01 Nov Lump on the face By wasif dev0 Comments A 33-year-old construction worker came to the clinic complaining of the masses on his face that were causing discomfort. Started 6 months ago, is gradual and progressive. It is a painless bilateral parotid enlargement, more significant on the right side. His physical examination reveals bilateral 2 × 2 cm, firm, non-tender, and mobile, as shown in the image. There is no erythema, fluctuance or drainage and the facial nerve was intact. The oral exam was normal, and no organomegaly or lymph node enlargement was noticed. He denies fever and night sweats. His past medical history is unremarkable. His family history was negative for similar problems. He mentions unprotected sexual relationships with multiple sexual partners. The CT scan shows multiple bilateral, well-circumscribed, cystic and solid masses within enlarged parotid glands. Based on the patient's history and symptoms, Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? Benign lymphoepithelial cystic lesions Suppurative parotitis Mumps Sarcoidosis Warthin's tumor None Time's up Share article:TwitterFacebookLinkedin