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A 40-year-old computer programmer comes to the clinic complaining of embracing nails. Nail changes started gradually two years ago and slowly progressed. It first appeared on the thumbnail and then appeared on all other fingernails. It is not painful on palpation; no Erythema was observed, and it is not pruritic. He denies any trauma. His past medical history was unremarkable. Physical examination revealed hyperkeratotic nails with a whitish-yellowish appearance. The lesions localized especially on the tips of his fingers, with a clear demarcation point between the normal nail and the dystrophic region and subungual deposit, as shown in the image. The rest of the examination was normal, and the mycological examination result also returned negative.

Which of the following conditions represents this condition?

Real-Life cases to ensure you are ready for your MCCQE1 Exam!

Ace Qbank Clinical Edge


Ace Qbank Clinical Edge

Making the proper diagnosis is one of the most important aspects of any medical student’s or junior doctor’s clinical training and hence we created Clinical Edge Cases.

Ace Qbank Clinical Edge helps our students put their knowledge of symptoms and physical findings to test by applying clinical reasoning and assessment concepts to a series of common clinical vignettes. Problem-based learning is being used to focus on the cause behind the presentation of a simulated clinical case.

Each simulated Clinical Edge case contains a list of common causes of the presented condition, offers abundant references to the presented case, making additional information easy to find

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